Basic Gardening Advice: Getting Your Garden?s Best Colors Right

Every flower has a story to tell and a color to show—and dozens of them in your garden can give your home something to show and tell. Your garden can be an important medium for creativity, just as the canvas is the primary medium for paintings. One vibrant color theme for your garden may be dazzling enough, but a whole variety of colors multiply that dazzle effect tenfold. Think of the different flowers and plants as your color palette, and experiment with different colors to get unique combinations.

Vibrant Warm Colors: Bright colors are the best choice if your house is a common venue for parties and other events. This is because the combination of yellow, red, and orange can create an energetic aura that stimulates the party and encourages socializing. Yellow represents happiness, red stands for energy, and orange stands for warmth.

An energetic garden suitable for entertainment is all about inducing the guests to liven up the party.

Soothing Cool Colors: Gardens often become places of retreat for people stressed out by daily life. For this type of garden, use shades that induce a tranquil sensation such as purple, gray, and deep blue. This is ideal when you need a place in your home to release your stress, and think of nothing but peace and tranquility. Blue is the color for calmness, purple can serve a soothing role aside from its stimulating trait, and the gray in garden rocks also contribute to that calming sensation.

Jovial Colors: A garden that follows good garden tips can enliven residents and impress visitors.

A garden that brings joy and happiness is usually a garden full of pastel colors such as pink, yellow, and white. The color pink signifies positivity and youth. By blending pink with other pastel colors, a vibrant garden can be conceived. In addition, white flowers help keep all of that positive energy balanced.

Healing Colors: For a garden that promotes overall health and the healing process, use a combination of green, blue, and lavender colors. Gardening how-to manuals indicate that the color green helps people relax, as it is the color of tranquility. Normally, green plants make up most of the foliage in healing gardens. However, do not forget to add hues of blue and lavender, so that the garden does not look too monotonous.

Creative Gardening: Good gardening advice inspires people to get creative with their gardens and think of it as their canvas. There are no spdcific colors or shapes to create an inspiring garden, since you can use any element to create interesting combinations. By combining all these elements, you can create an artistic garden.

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Basic Gardening Advice: Getting Your Garden?s Best Colors Right
Basic Gardening Advice: Getting Your Garden?s Best Colors Right
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5